HLS - Healthcare Licensing Services
HLS stands for Healthcare Licensing Services
Here you will find, what does HLS stand for in Organization under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Healthcare Licensing Services? Healthcare Licensing Services can be abbreviated as HLS What does HLS stand for? HLS stands for Healthcare Licensing Services. What does Healthcare Licensing Services mean?The hospital & health care medical organization is located in Pensacola, Florida, United States.
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Alternative definitions of HLS
- Hue Luminance Saturation
- Huntingdon Life Sciences
- HTTP Live Streaming
- High Level Synthesis
- Harvard Law School
- St. Helens, Tasmania, Australia
- Huntington Locomotive Shop
- Healthcare Linen Specialists
View 84 other definitions of HLS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HPH Hawk Plant Hire
- HPSC High Park Ski Club
- HSE Hospital St. Elisabeth
- HCRESL Hall Construction and Real Estate Services LLC
- HWHR HW Human Resources
- HSC Home Stay Care
- HSRC Homeland Security Research Corporation
- HPAH Hyde Park Animal Hospital
- HER Hart Executive Recruiting
- HFL Hindustan Fluorocarbons Ltd
- HCPPA HCP Pumps America
- HEEC Health and Educational Equipment Corporation
- HML Humble Monkey LLC
- HC The Hospitalist Company
- HMI Henderson Machinery Inc
- HGD Headstart of Greater Dallas
- HPC Hope Pregnancy Center
- HVWFD Hope Valley Wyoming Fire Dist
- HHCL Hotel and Hospitality Consultants Ltd
- HVET Heritage Vision Education Trust